Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Monday, December 23, 2013

Letter from the Spiritual Santa

When I saw this post in my email inbox, and then read the whole Santa letter on Kristie's blog, it seemed perfect for this blog...

Letter from Santa
by Kristie Burns

This is from Santa. Not the Santa of the chimneys and reindeer, but the real Santa. I have enjoyed the stories that people have created about me over the years but I think you are old enough now to know the real story. Did you know that in some countries I don’t come on Christmas day? I come on St. Nicolas Day and I fill their boots with treats. In America they changed the story to Christmas day and I fill their socks instead of boots. Some people thought it was sort of icky to fill their
socks so they created really pretty socks for me to fill.  ...

I am known by so many different names and faces that are not the “real” me, but who doesn’t like a story? I find the stories very creative and wonderful and since they are each accurate in their own way I don’t mind! My favorite is the one about my riding a sleigh and delivering presents all night. That is accurate in a way, for I never sleep or run out of energy so I could, in theory do that, but I do not need a sleigh to ride. There are so many angels on the earth that watch over you and protect you and we each have our own job – some protect from accidents, some teach wisdom, some are keepers of history, and we each have done our jobs since the beginning of time and will continue forever to do our jobs for angels never tire and never sleep. We don’t really have names but in some books we have given ourselves names to make our stories easier to read. It is hard for humans to understand something that they cannot see and that does not have a name!

You may also be familiar with the angel of awakening childhood (the tooth fairy who guides you across the bridge from childhood to being a young lady or young man as you loose your teeth along the way), or the angel of eternal life who teaches us about the endurance of spirit and the rebirth of the soul during Easter. And what about your guardian angel? Everyone has one of those. Some of the angels don’t even have names. They are eagerly awaiting the day when humankind gives THEM names too.  ...

I inspire people to do my work through their spirit. Sometimes this may awaken them in the middle of the night to fill a stocking and they may think they were dreaming. Sometimes they are aware of what they are doing and remember doing it. But in both cases I have been able to motivate millions of parents around the world to share my vision. ...

Nobody can ever really understand me completely – for you are humans and I am spirit. However, the more stories you create, the closer you come to understanding who and what I am. So please continue creating stories and pictures and please continue my tradition and pass it on to your children.

Merry Christmas!


(Read more of this letter at

Thanks for dropping by! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and will have a joyful and wonder-filled new year.

Friday, December 20, 2013

30 Days of Deity Devotion: Any Suggestions for Others Just Starting this Santa Journey?

(photo credit: Santa Claus Quotes & Sayings,

My suggestions...

(1) Keep your heart open.

(2) Heal the loss you experienced when you "found out that Santa wasn't real."

(3) Sign up for my email series (top right)

So we're at the end of the "30 Days" extravaganza but it hasn't been 30 days. I am not sure what I will do about that. I think I'm going to take some time off from the blog and then, decide where this blog will go when the new year arrives.

Have a wonderful Santa season!

Thanks for dropping by! Hope we can connect again.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

30 Days of Deity Devotion: Any Interesting or Unusual Santa Experiences to Share?

(photo credit:

Well, I think this entire journey I have been sharing is unusual (like here and here and here and here), but a day that stands out to me is one in which I really strongly felt what I believe was his gentle presence with me. It was as if he was standing next to me or very nearby.

And that gentleness was so sweet and very reassuring. I felt like all was well and he and I were going to be connected from now on, and that has turned out to be the case, so far.

Have you had any kind of Santa experience like that? I love Santa stories!

Thanks for dropping by! Hope we can connect again.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

30 Days of Deity Devotion: What I Wish I Knew about Santa

Here's what I still want to know...

(1) Is there a Mrs. Claus?

(2) Can we learn his magic? (I sure hope so)

(3) What does he do during the Christmas season? How does he help?

(4) Are there elves & reindeer or were there at some point?

(5) What is his vision or plan for me?

What would you ask if you could?

Thanks for dropping by! Hope we can connect again.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

30 Days of Deity Devotion: Worst Misconceptions about Santa that I've Encountered

What I believe people get wrong about the Santa I am coming to know...

(1) That he isn't real. That he is just the made-up version created by Coca-Cola. I have come to believe he is very real.

(2) That he is some woolly elven half-man trickster. I am still getting to know him but what I know so far is that he is gentle and loving and kind.

(3) That his ultimate goal is getting as much commercial merchandise into the hands of well-behaved children as possible. I believe that his goal for us is healing and transformation and helping us to create the lives that are waiting for us.

What do you think people get wrong?

Thanks for dropping by! Hope we can connect again.

Monday, December 16, 2013

30 Days of Deity Devotion: How My Santa Relationship with Santa Has Changed Over Time?

Over time, my connection to Santa has deepened and grown stronger, though I still see it as being in the developing stages. Here is a journal account as I was looking back on how it has changed over the past few years...
My Santa Experience Now-ish: I have felt what I believe is Santa's presence. And adding that to my Santa dream six months ago where it felt like a calling, I think it really is him. 
One afternoon last month while walking I felt like my dream sort of came to life. It was in my mind's eye that Santa was on the sleigh, zooming in, taking off again and then circling back, but I also felt his energy. I have felt his energy increasingly in the past couple of months.
My Santa History: I have always loved Christmas. And for the past year or so, have felt a stronger connection sometimes when watching Xmas movies or thinking about Xmas. 
January gets harder every year. And then, last Xmas, I started to feel like I believed in Santa,in some capacity, though it was vague. 
Then in March, I had a dream encounter with a Santa zooming around me on a sleigh. It had a "road to Damascus" feel, with faerie overtones (white horses in the clouds, etc). It felt like some kind of calling but I didn't really know what to make of it.
Asking for Guidance: Asked a month and a half ago for dream guidance about this. Was it really Santa? And what are these Santa experiences for? Is there something being asked of me? And I asked for clear answers that I could easily understand.
Here's what happened:  I woke up with the sense that it really was Santa but couldn't remember anything specific that told me so. And had the thought that I should clarify for myself that he is not the typical story of the jolly, laughing guy w/ the red suit who delivers gifts once a year to good boys & girls. 
Closer to the magical faerie-like Santa what we sometimes see in movies who intervenes in the lives of adults, families and children to change and empower their lives so they have the experiences, make the connections and have the insights they need to heal, have better lives, etc.
In the dreams I remembered, what I saw about me was that something would happen and then info about a person would be given, intuited or appear in front of me (sometimes on a screen) and I would know what needed to happen next for them. 
It was a systematic process, one right after another. Helping people get what they want or need. And that that was part of my calling. 
So there you have it, my Santa story & relationship. What's your relationship with Santa like?
Thanks for dropping by! Hope we can connect again.